柯林斯在能源行业拥有超过30年的经验. 他于1990年在新斯科舍省电力公司开始了他的职业生涯, 从那以后,他担任的职位越来越高. 加入十大国际老虎机平台公司之前, Collins曾在Nova Scotia Power和Emera Energy担任领导职务, 担任大巴哈马电力公司总裁兼首席执行官.担任Emera Caribbean的总裁兼首席运营官. 最近,他担任十大国际老虎机平台公司的首席运营官.
Collins is a professional chemical engineer, and he holds a Bachelor of Engineering from St. Francis Xavier University and a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from Dalhousie University.
他是佛罗里达100人委员会的董事会成员, 佛罗里达州商会, 坦帕湾经济发展委员会和佛罗里达州企业. 他还担任the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies的董事会成员, 佛罗里达可靠性协调委员会和坦帕剧院.
自1999年加入坦帕电以来, 他曾在多个领域担任领导职务,包括会计, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台和人民天然气公司的监管事务, 投资者关系, 传输工程与运营. 最近, 他曾担任传输工程和运营总监, 以及支持服务.
Aldazabal received both his Bachelor of Science in 账户ing and Master of 账户ancy from the University of South Florida. 他是一名注册会计师.
He serves on the board of The Florida Aquarium and on the board of trustees of the National Hispanic Energy Council.
格雷格·布鲁顿 is senior vice president of Finance and 账户ing and chief financial officer (CFO) of TECO Energy and CFO of Emera Inc.
Blunden于2000年加入Emera,并在Emera Inc .担任财务领导职务., Emera Maine和Nova Scotia Power. He has gained valuable experience and industry insight into all aspects of Emera's business, 包括公司融资, 业务发展, 实用程序操作, 客户服务, 可再生能源和监管政策.
最近,他是Emera公司的企业战略副总裁 & Planning and before that held the position of executive vice president of Customer, 业务 & 新斯科舍省电力公司的金融服务部.
Blunden是一名特许专业会计师,毕业于Mount Allison University.
Marian cacatore是十大网赌靠谱网址平台人力资源副总裁.
Cacciatore在长期从事人力资源工作后加入TECO. 在2020年加入TECO之前, 她曾担任一家卫星通信公司的人力资源副总裁. 她的背景还包括在制造业担任人力资源领导职务, 金融服务和高科技组织.
She has a bachelor’s degree in 业务 Administration from the University of South Florida, 罗林斯学院人力资源管理硕士学位.
She has served as a mentor with the University of South Florida’s Corporate Mentoring program.
杰夫Chronister是财务副总裁, 他在哪里领导一个专业的会计团队, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台和TECO能源公司的财务报告和业务规划.
Chronister在TECO任职30多年,曾担任多个领导职务, 包括十大国际老虎机平台的控制器.
1983年成为注册会计师, Chronister has a Bachelor of 业务 Administration in 账户ing from Stetson University. 他是美国注册会计师协会和佛罗里达注册会计师协会的成员.
Chronister曾服务于许多社区组织, 包括Shriners儿童医院和当地的少年棒球联盟组织. 他也是坦帕连接和领导坦帕的校友.
克里斯见鬼 is vice president of Information Technology (IT) and chief Information officer (CIO) for TECO Energy, 他还担任Emera Inc .的首席数字官.TECO的母公司.
Heck is an accomplished utility sector IT leader with a career spanning more than 35 years. Throughout his career, he has led digital transformations and built strong cyber-security programs. 他在公用事业行业的许多方面都有经验, 包括创造竞争优势, 并购规划与整合, 精益过程改进, 自动化, 数据分析, 产品和服务的采购和劳动力战略.
Heck earned his Master of Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. 他还曾就读于阿巴拉契亚州立大学和达顿商学院.
大卫·米. Nicholson is vice president of 法律, general counsel and chief ethics and compliance officer. 他负责法律事务, 联邦政府事务, 房地产,道德和合规.
在1999年加入TECO之前, 尼科尔森是坦帕市麦克法兰·弗格森律师事务所的股东 & McMullen. 在公司任职期间,他在1997年被TECO收购之前代表Peoples Gas.
Nicholson received his Bachelor of Science and graduated with honors from the University of Florida College of Law. 毕业后,他被授予骑士勋章. 在法学院读书期间,他还就读于格拉斯哥大学, 苏格兰, 获得一年的扶轮大使奖学金.
Nicholson serves on the board of the Hillsborough County Bar Foundation, where he is past president. He also serves on the boards of the Tampa Bay History Center and the University Club of Tampa.
Rusk joined TECO in 1997 as an economist and has significant experience with regulatory activities. 拉斯克在费率案例、战略增长和太阳能计划方面发挥了领导作用. 最近,她担任监管事务高级总监.
Rusk has a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of New Orleans and a master’s degree in economics from the University of South Florida.
迈克·休厄尔(迈克西维尔)是坦帕电力和人民天然气公司联邦事务副总裁, 新墨西哥天然气公司. 和Emera. 他代表着这些公司在华盛顿的利益.C.,与美国。.S. 国会,政府和联邦机构.
Sewell is a seasoned professional in the utility industry with more than 20 years of experience and an extensive knowledge of federal affairs. 他在另一家公用事业公司工作后,于2020年加入TECO. 在此之前,他曾与佛罗里达州国会代表团一起在国会山工作.
休厄尔是国家能源资源组织的董事会成员. 他在华盛顿特区的First Tee担任志愿青年高尔夫教练.C.他是天主教青年组织的篮球教练.
斯蒂芬妮•史密斯 is vice president of State and Regional Affairs for 坦帕电 and Peoples Gas.
Smith is a seasoned professional with more than 20 years of experience in public affairs and governmental relations, including developing strategies to advance legislation and navigate regulatory issues on behalf of Fortune 500 companies. 她于2022年加入TECO. 此前,她曾为两届佛罗里达州州长政府工作.
史密斯是佛罗里达CareerSource的主席. She also is a board member of Enterprise Florida and the Florida Alliance Against Human Trafficking.
卡伦斯帕克曼 is vice president of Customer Experience for both 坦帕电 and Peoples Gas.
She joined the company in June 2017 as director of Customer Experience Operations at 坦帕电 and Peoples Gas and has played a key role in the transformation of the broader Customer Experience organization across Contact Centers, 客户账单, 信贷 & 收款和支付业务与IT部门合作, Electric Delivery and Regulatory senior leadership teams to optimize business process integration on priorities such as Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) solutions and Customer Relationship & 计费(CRB)系统的利用率和改进.
加入TECO前, Sparkman was a Customer Experience leader at Snohomish County Public Utility District (PUD) in Everett, 洗.之前在科罗拉多斯普林斯公用事业公司工作. She has a bachelor's degree in business management from the University of Phoenix and a master's degree in business administration from Colorado Technical University.
Stryker oversees the company’s continued solar expansion and the exploration of emerging renewable technologies, 比如电池储存和碳捕获与封存.
Stryker于1999年加入TECO,担任机械工程师. 他在项目开发和管理方面拥有丰富的经验. 他成功领导了多个战略项目,包括 大弯现代化项目. 最近,他担任脱碳和重大项目高级主管.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida. 他是佛罗里达州有执照的专业工程师.
Whidden is an established safety professional with more than two decades of leadership experience in the utility industry. 她于2023年加入TECO. 以前, she served as the senior director of Fleet 安全 Operations at the Calpine Corporation in Houston, 德州.
Whidden earned a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (emphasis in 环境 Economics and Policy) from the University of Florida. She also received the American Society of 安全 Engineers (ASSE) 安全 Management Certification and has completed multiple safety management programs.
芯片惠氏担任十大国际老虎机平台的电气交付副总裁. Whitworth拥有20多年的领导经验.
Whitworth began his career at 坦帕电 as a tree trimming contractor and later as a cooperative student. 他于2000年开始了他在公司的全职职业生涯, 在进入管理层之前,他在几个部门工作过. 他后来在能源供应公司工作, where he served as director of 大弯电站 and as senior director of Bayside and Big Bend Station. 他最近担任安全和安保副总裁.
Whitworth received his Bachelor of Civil/Structural Engineering and his Master of 业务 Administration from the University of South Florida.